The Accelerated Sports Nutrition Assessment Platform

Articles Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals

  1. Capling, L, Tam, R, Beck, KL, Slater, GJ, Flood, VM, O’Connor, TM and Gifford, JA. Diet quality of elite Australian athletes evaluated using the Athlete Diet Index. Nutrients 2021; 13(1):126. DOI: 10.3390/nu13010126.
  2. Tam, R, Beck, KL, Scanlan, J, Hamilton, T, Prvan, T, Flood, VM, O’Connor, HT, Gifford, JA. The PEAKS-NQ: a reliable and valid electronic sports nutrition knowledge questionnaire for athletes. Br J Nutr 2020. DOI: 1017/S0007114520004286.
  3. Capling, L, Gifford, JA, Beck, KL, Flood, VM, Halar, F, Slater, GJ and O’Connor, HT. Reliability and relative validity of a novel diet quality assessment tool for athletes: The Athlete Diet Index. Br J Nutr 2020; 1-33. DOI: 10.1017/S000711452000416X.
  4. Tam, R, Beck, K, Gifford, J, Flood, V, O’Connor, H. Development of the Platform to Evaluate Athlete Knowledge of Sports Nutrition Questionnaire (PEAKS-NQ). J Am Coll Nutr 2020; 39: 636-644. DOI: 1080/07315724.2020.1723451.
  5. Tam, R, Beck, K, Manore, M, Gifford, J, Flood, V, O’Connor, H. Effectiveness of education interventions designed to improve nutrition knowledge in athletes: A systematic review. Sports Med 2019; 49: 1769-1786. DOI: 10.1007/s40279-019-01157-y.
  6. Capling, L, Gifford, JA, Beck, KL, Flood, VM, Slater, GJ, Denyer, GS, O’Connor, HT. Development of an Athlete Diet Index for rapid dietary assessment of athletes. Int J Sports Nutr Exerc Metab 2019; 29: 643-50. DOI: 10.1123/ijsnem.2019-0098.
  7. Capling, L, Beck, KL, Gifford, J, Slater, G, Flood, VM, O’Connor, HT. Validity of dietary assessment in athletes: A systematic review. Nutrients 2017; 9: 1313. DOI: 10.3390/nu9121313.


Conference Abstracts and Presentations

  1. Tam, R, Hamilton, T, Beck, K, Gifford, J, Prvan, T, Flood, V, O’Connor, H. Development and validation of an electronic sports nutrition knowledge questionnaire for athletes. Accepted for poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine: ‘Bridging Research and Practice for Healthy Active Lives’ San Francisco, May 2020 (cancelled due to COVID-19).
  2. Capling, L, Gifford, JA, Flood, VM, Beck, KL, Halar, F, Slater, GJ, O’Connor, HT. Reliability of the Athlete Diet Index: a rapid dietary assessment tool for athletes. Accepted for poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine: ‘Bridging Research and Practice for Healthy Active Lives’ San Francisco, May 2020 (cancelled due to COVID -19). Abstract published in Med Sci Sports Exerc 2020; 52(7S):1014.
  3. Edmonds, C, Tam, R, Madigan, S, Gubb, L, Gifford, J, Flood, V, Prvan, T, Gemming, L, O’Connor, H. Validation of a Sports Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire for Athletes in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Submitted for at the American College of Sports Medicine: ‘Bridging Research and Practice for Healthy Active Lives’ San Francisco, May 2020. (cancelled due to COVID-19).
  4. Tam, R, Hamilton, T, Beck, KL, Gifford, JA, Flood, VM, Prvan, T, Denyer, GS, O’Connor. Assessment of athlete nutrition knowledge by the Platform to Evaluate Knowledge in Sports – Nutrition Questionnaire (PEAKS-NQ). Oral presentation at Sports Dietitians Australia National Conference, ‘Keeping You Cool’, Melbourne, October 2019.
  5. Capling, L, Gifford, JA, Beck, KL, Flood, VM, Slater, G, Denyer, GS, O’Connor, HT. Development of the Athlete Diet Index: a new dietary assessment tool for athletes. Poster presentation at 24th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science, Prague, July 2019.
  6. Tam, R, Beck, K, Gifford, J, Manore, M, Flood, V, O’Connor, H. A systematic review of education interventions to improve the nutrition knowledge of athletes. Accepted for poster presentation at SDA National Conference, ‘Propelling your Knowledge and Practice’, Melbourne, October 2017.
  7. Capling, L, Beck, K, Gifford, J, Slater, G, Flood, V, O’Connor, H. Validity of dietary assessment in athletes: A systematic review. Poster presentation at Sports Dietitians Australia National Conference, ‘Propelling your Knowledge and Practice’, Melbourne, October 2017.
  8. Blair RP, O’Connor HT, von Hurst PR, Conlon CA, Beck KL. The development, validity and reproducibility of a tool (the Athlete Diet Index) to assess the dietary intake of high performing athletes. Dietitians New Zealand Annual National Professional Development Conference, Wellington, NZ, 2017.
  9. Beck KL, Blair R, O’Connor H, Conlon CA, von Hurst PR. The development of an Athlete Diet Index (ADI) to assess diet quality in high performing athletes. International Conference of Diet and Physical Activity Methods (ICDAM) 9, Brisbane, Australia, 2015.